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When you think about mathematics, do you see it mainly as a collection of topics or as a way of thinking?


The types of maths challenges presented here are designed to make connections between mathematical content and the mathematical processes of problem solving, modelling, reasoning, communicating, connecting and using tools.


Each of these tasks is designed to be accessible to all learners from the onset, but allows for further challenges and provides opportunities for learners to make the decisions as they speculate, make and test their hypotheses and reflect on and interpret their findings.


The accompanying videos for each task are provided to be used as prompts to move learners forward and look for deeper mathematical understanding. It should also be noted that the solutions presented by us are just one of many possible ways of investigating each task and should not  restrict learners from searching in other directions. And, whether in class or at home, we strongly recommend working collaboratively to provide every opportunity for learners to ask 'what if' questions and provide explanations and reasoning for their mathematical thinking. So, whether teacher or parent, why not take a challenge too and work alongside your learner(s) /child(ren) because, together, maths really can be fun!

The challenges

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