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Three times tables

STEP 1: Practise counting forwards and backwards in threes using a counting stick.

STEP 2: Practise recalling multiplication facts for the three times tables.

STEP 3: Practise recalling division facts for the three times tables.

Counting stick 3.png

Three Times Tables Check-ups (printable)

Test your knowledge of the three times tables multiplication and/or division facts by choosing one of our Three Times Tables Check-ups below.


With three check-ups per page you can check your progress over time as you continue to practise your times table facts. On each check-up, can you improve your final score or beat your fastest time? (Just be sure to cover up any previous answers, and no peeking allowed!)

1. X3 multiplication facts check-up.png
2. 3 division facts check-up.png
3. X3 multiplication and division facts.
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