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Year I Number and Place Value

In this video we practise counting forwards from 0 to 100 and then backwards again. To become a counting 'Master', keep practising until you are confident at counting both forwards and backwards from any starting number between 0 and 100. You could even make your own number cards to sort and say, or just click one of the links below to print off some we made earlier. 

Follow along with our video as we demonstrate how to correctly form the numerals from 0 to 100.  

We think it is worth spending extra time practising the numerals 0 to 9, as the single digits are used in different combinations to write all of the other numbers. We also think it is better to view this video in separate stages, focussing on carefully writing just a few numbers at a time rather than trying to write them all in a single attempt. Little but often!

Click the links below if you would like to print off any of our accompanying worksheets. We have provided five differentiated worksheets for practising the single digits, and have even added a blank worksheet for extra practise of any specific numbers you have identified for yourself..

The ability to count in multiples of two is a useful mathematical skill when starting to learn the two times tables. And, importantly, children who have a good understanding of their times tables generally enjoy maths more and are more confident when learning new mathematical concepts.

In this video we start learning to count in multiples of two with a little help from Twoo and her friends and progress to counting using a 'washing line' and ultimately a counting stick, which we like to use as a visual aid when learning the times tables. Why not make your own multiples of 2 counting stick to count along with us or practise on your own? Just click the link below. We recommend printing or sticking the sheet onto card and, if possible, enlarge to A3.

The ability to count in multiples of five is a useful mathematical skill when starting to learn the five times tables. And, importantly, children who have a good understanding of their times tables generally enjoy maths more and are more confident when learning new mathematical concepts.

In this video we start learning to count in multiples of five with a little help from Stevie and his friends and progress to counting using a 'bead string' and ultimately a counting stick, which we like to use as a visual aid when learning the times tables. Why not make your own multiples of 5 counting stick to count along with us or practise on your own? Just click the link below. We recommend printing or sticking the sheet onto card and, if possible, enlarge to A3.

The ability to count in multiples of ten is a useful mathematical skill when starting to learn the ten times tables. And, importantly, children who have a good understanding of their times tables generally enjoy maths more and are more confident when learning new mathematical concepts.

In this video we start learning to count in multiples of ten with a little help from Shelly and her scuttling friends and progress to counting using a 'bead string' and ultimately a counting stick, which we like to use as a visual aid when learning the times tables. Why not make your own multiples of 10 counting stick to count along with us or practise on your own? Just click the link below. We recommend printing or sticking the sheet onto card and, if possible, enlarge to A3.

In this video we practise identifying one more or one less than a given number. How many passengers are on the bus? How much money do we have?

We demonstrate how finding one more or one less can be recorded as a calculation and introduce counting forwards and backwards on a number track, which is a useful tool for calculating with larger numbers and can be helpful to reinforce a child's understanding as they progress towards more formal written calculation methods.

Practise reading and writing the numbers from 0 to 20 in numerals and in words along with us.
Become a reading and writing number 'Master', by continuing to practise until you are confident at reading and writing all of the numbers from 0 to 20 in both numerals and words. You could even make your own number cards to sort and say, or just click one of the links below to print off some we made earlier. Or, why not try one (or more) of our worksheets to see how well you are progressing with reading and writing the numbers from 0 to 20.

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